El pasado 4 y 5 de Junio se celebró el
Upfest 2011 en Bristol, el festival de arte urbano más grande de Europa, con más de 250 artistas invitados, entre los que se encontraban grandes artistas como
Snik o SPQR.
The last 4th and 5th of June was held the Bristol's Upfest 2011, the biggest urban painting festival on Europe, attended by more than 250 urban artist as Herakut, Snik or SPQR.
En su cuarta edición, artistas urbanos de todo el mundo se presentaron en
The Tobacco Factory en
Raleig Road, lugar de nacimiento del festival, para dar comienzo a dos días de fiesta y arte urbano gratuito, que ya se ha convertido en un referente mundial. La verdad es que me gustaría algún día poder pintar allí, de momento hay que conformarse con ver las fotos, aquí os dejo algunas de las obras del
Upfest 2011.
In its fourth year, urban artists around the world met in The Tobacco Factory on Raleig Road, where the festival born, to start with two days of party and free urban art. I would like someday to paint there, while the only thing i can do is seeing the pics, here i leave some of Upfest works.
Sorry for my english.
By Funky Red Dog |
By Stencil Ninja |
By Malarky |
By My Dog Sights |
By Julian Kimmings |
By Snik |
By Cosmo Sarson |
By T Wat |
By Case |
By Fake |
By Faunagraphic |
By Snik |
By Acerone |
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